My Adventure-filled Jeepney Rides....

I've always enjoyed riding the jeepney and every day I do there is always a different adventure waiting to happen or an interesting character to bump into. A keen observer most of the time (except on days when I sleep during the entire ride) , I like to check out those around me, even those we just pass by on the streets. I guess all of us have different stories to tell of our routinary journeys via our ever-reliable public transportation and probably some might share my stories here. Most of the time, if not all, there is always a person texting or talking on the phone. Nothing extraordinary about that though - the most interesting moments are those when someone’s phone rings while inside the jeepney and the person takes the call. I have overheard a few people say that they were already in Colon when we were still in Capitol. Yes, our cellphones have definitely made liars of all of us! (no offense meant) I am guilty of this too but only thru text, because I prefer to...