Of confrontations and what it brings about…

After watching a replay of one of my favorite daytime television shows and seeing one of the characters put someone in a very compromising position, I decided to create this write-up about being confrontational. Is being confrontational a good thing? If you really wanted to get a question answered or an issue fixed and need that right away, is that an excuse to be confrontational? I looked up the word confrontational in Google (to make sure my understanding of it is correct) and it is defined as an adjective which means” tending toward or ready for confrontation or conflict”. In the Philippine setting, it is quite common that people would rather keep to themselves (or confide in other people) rather than actually talking to the person involved. Although the motive, which is not to hurt someone’s feelings, is noble; the effect is quite the contrary. This happens because “other” people (and the numbers usually add up) are now made aware of the problem and yet the person dir...