A timely confession

I had an affair with Mr. C.G. There, I admit it. (What is with the rainy days that makes people go “confession-holic”? Or was it Usher’s song Confessions that I heard on the radio yesterday that triggered all this?) I was with him during long commutes to and from work, during lunch breaks, during short breaks, in between press release assignments and other writing assignments, and even before going to sleep. He was a welcome distraction during a time I desperately needed one. I accidentally met him while looking for book 2 of the Mike Essex trilogy Tethered Twins. He was intimidating and totally unreadable at first yet he was also very enigmatic and intriguing and almost perfect and yes, I succumbed to the temptation because it was all too easy to succumb to. Even if I wasn’t with him, I found myself smiling just thinking about him. He is everything but boring and being with him was a very welcome distraction indeed. He showed me the perks of the “high life” that ...