My LaborDay story

First of all, I’d like to greet everyone a Happy Labor Day since it is almost May 1 st , Philippines’ National Labor Day celebration! It will be a non-working but busy day for activists and labor groups but for some non-partisans, it could be the start of a long weekend so regardless of where you in the spectrum; this day is sure to be a memorable one! I would like to digress though and create my own LaborDay celebration because it being a day for workers is obviously already commemorated. I would like to re-declare today as National #LaborDay and share my Labor Day story...after all, not one is ever the same, ask your mothers! ;-) It is also very timely since Mother’s Day is just around the corner! It was on November 15 th 2011 when my LaborDay story started... (cue nostalgic music..) I had gone to my routine pre-natal check-up and all was well, after all, my expected due date was not until the 28 th . After my check-up, I went to Robin...