Find time to read to your kids..

(Image Credit: If I were to give an unsolicited advice to parents who want their kids to develop the love for learning and communication, it would be to "find time to read to them". At this point in time when my only real quality time with my son is towards bedtime, away from the distractions of housework and television or the intenet, I really relish our pre-bedtime routine. It starts (and by start that would mean after a few minutes of running around to catch him or coercing him to finally want to go to bed) with a bubble bath and ends with both of us lying side by side and reading two or three stories, one of which is a story about bulldozers and heavy equipment - his personal favorite! I'd like to consider my son as especially gifted (but as parents, don't we all?) . His milestones, both physically and mentally were quite advanced - he learned to walk and talk and a lot of other things way earlier than most k...