The six letter C word!

Let's talk about the dreaded big C - Cancer! We've all at some point in our lives known people who've had cancer - some unfortunately we've lost as well - family, relatives, friends and even acquaintances and it never is an easy topic to talk about. It is by far the scariest type of illness right now because it can strike anyone, anywhere, anytime! And because it attacks the very basic component of the human body - the cells - there's virtually no way to avoid it. You could try and live a healthy lifestyle to avoid it or go all-out Angelina Jolie and remove certain organs to reduce your risk but if you're genetically-predisposed to have it, your risk is ever present. And organ removal, although a possible way to go about it, is costly and is not applicable to all types of cancers such as blood cancers or leukemia. I've lost a cousin due to Leukemia and now have a nephew who was just recently diagnosed with the ALL type - just a 3 y...