The Garden of Eden and how we mothers can save it!

Ever heard of the saying “An apple does not fall far from the apple tree.”? Let me give you a different perspective using the Garden of Eden story where Eve is the mother, Adam is the father and the apple is their son or daughter. If you follow my line of thought, (minus the snake and sin part) both the mother and the father had a hand at the resulting apple but it was Eve who had the biggest influence. No matter how many people come into our lives and influence it, it will always be our mothers who leave an indelible mark in us! What our mother does or doesn’t do, shapes our very core! Allow me to tell you a quick back story about a life-altering event in my life. In my younger years, I was very fond of making greeting cards. I LOVED making greeting cards so much that on every occasion I created one and gave them out to aunts, uncles and grandparents. Making those cards just made me happy and I felt that giving it away to family, because I worked so hard for it, would m...