A winged visitor

This lovely creature greeted and graced us with its presence this Wednesday morning when Izel and I went to look at the garden! Butterflies are my favorite and of course it inspired this post... Butterflies are one of the most amazing creatures in the insect kingdom... they don't live very long lives, some as short as 6 days while others can live as long as a year...yet butterflies have the most amazing transformation ever! They start out as eggs, then become caterpillars, then they emerge from their chrysalis into a beautiful winged creature the butterfly. Butterflies are a reminder to us that our lives may or may not last long but that we have to go through life and transform into something more that we are at first...to learn our lessons, to grow stronger, to break free from what imprisons us and be an inspiration to others. It is also a reminder to us that no matter how hard things may be, there is always something greater to look forward to. A bl...