Life lesson from weeds

The little things we allow to take root and consider harmless can actually do more harm than good. I grew this plant (aka weed) from seed taken during my Bohol trip and when two seeds sprouted, my mother uprooted them because they were (you guessed it!) weeds. I was able to save one. I planted them because I wanted Izel to see and harvest what I called "nature's surprise eggs"! Unfortunately though, it has grown so much and was taking up space and affecting all the other "more useful" plants surrounding it. It was literally sucking up all the nutrients and my melon, cucumber and onions were getting overpowered by it. Looking at this plant that I nurtured into life and while contemplating if I should uproot it, I realized how it's actually a reminder of a great lesson in life that is also in the Bible. That weeds will be removed and thrown into the fire. There are small things that we allow into our lives because we "think"...