Stop blaming God

We need to stop blaming God for all the bad things happening to us that we brought upon ourselves. When we get sick because of our unhealthy lifestyle, our poor eating habits and our bad health choices - we shouldn't blame God when we get sick. When we lose our family because we don't spend time with them, choose our vices over them or make them feel unloved and unappreciated - we shouldn't blame God when we lose our family. When we lose our job because we don't perform well, don't come to work early or don't add value to our work in the company - we shouldn't blame God when we lose our job. When we go broke because we don't manage our finances properly, prioritize non-essential spending and don't save and invest - we shouldn't blame God when we go broke. This is so typical of us, something bad happens and then we say "This is God's will" and then we just let it go because God willed it and there is nothing else we can do about it. ...