I am A Slave to Marketing

I go to the grocery store armed with a list of things to buy and just the amount I need yet after the cashier rings all my items, I am always off! But I would be and should be on target had it not for these "add-on" items they dangle to their products as live bait for people like me with a penchant for "canisters/pouches/bottles/mugs/spoons/etc" tie-ups to their products. Yes!!! It is dreadful but I am a slave to this marketing strategy! They know my weakness too well and these capitalists use it to their advantage. I should know better, right, but these tie-ups call to me and tempt me to buy them. It's like I am drawn to the grocery aisle that has all these displays of tie-ups and get-this-for-free bundles. But it's worse than just that! Most of the time, I buy stuff that I don't even need just so I could get the freebie that comes along with it. Just a week ago, I had to go back and forth the bargain section because two things were calling to ...