Create your own animated gif in three easy steps

If you would like to create your own animated gif for your projects or just to spice up your website but have little to no experience, here are three simple steps to creating your own gif like a pro!

Step 1: 
In the application paint (or any other visual application you have), create your own drawings. (These can also be your pictures.)

Here are the drawings I created in Paint. Because I want to create a visual story, all of my pictures have a certain order.

Step 2: 
Once you have your drawings/pictures completed, open the website. There are many other online free applications available but so far this one has been simple and easy to use on standard images so I am recommending it. (If I am not mistaken, there are other websites that can process audio and video files, depending on the complexity of the gif you are trying to create. Mine is pretty simple for now.)

 Step 3: 
While in the website, upload all your images in chronological order so it tells a story. For more pictures, click on Add more picture.  Choose the size of your gif and the speed of its animation. Click on Create Animation and VOILA – your instant animated art project is complete!!!  

After your animated gif has been generated, the site will provide you with links if you want to embed it to a webpage and the option to save it to your computer. I save mine on my computer for easy reference.  The site also gives you the option to send the animation for a friend so try that as well. (Cool, right?)

And there you go, those are the three simple steps to creating your very own animated gif easily and with no sweat!

Here is my output for today:

Try it out for yourself and have fun! ;-) I know I did.

 07/28/14 1:32pm nmed


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