Legolas oh Legolas...

I’d like to feel young and single again and just drool over some pictures of gorgeous guys today…(technically just 1 gorgeous guy with different looks...)

It really started last night while I saw a glimpse of the movie The Hobbit 2 while feeding my beloved kid Izel dinner and I was shouting the whole time when Orlando Bloom (aka Legolas) came out and sashayed with his long flowing white hair, his cool yet noble stance, and his piercing eyes into the scene shooting arrows accurately here and there! Scenes like that just bring you back to earlier pubescent days when surges of estrogen and other hormones are kicking in… (yikes! I mean, what is a girl to do with that, right?)

Historically though, I’ve had a crush on Legolas ever since I first laid my eyes on him in Lord of the Rings. Orlando is cute but Legolas is super super hot!!! (whew!)

Anyway, here are some pictures I googled so you can see the point I am making…and you can drool along with me or just laugh at my silliness. (Honestly, I would prefer the former versus the latter though but we all have our own eccentricities so to each his/her own, right? But please let this be my sweet indulgence for today…)

The grunge look is cute but I like the long hair look on him definitely! :-) 

If you look closer into his eyes, you'd see my reflection there! hahaha... 

Oh gosh, still looks gorgeous even when angry!! 

Ayayay! What is with this face???! 

Definitely something to drool about!!! (Phew! this AC sure couldn't contain the tropical heat outside... or inside? hehehe...) 

Oh, don't you dare give me that look, Legolas! 

Ok ok.. this is the last one and I'll go back to reality now..(*** sigh ***) with him on his white horse riding towards the sunset, holding his hand, drowning in his piercing eyes.. into realms unknown...

Earth to Nel! Earth to Nel!

Fine, I'm back!! grrr..

nmed 10/13/14 @ 11:24am


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