Thai Boran Massage: A great place to relax and unload

With my seemingly busy lifestyle as a working mom (of an overly-active 3 year old boy), a micro-entrepreneur who also happens to sell packed lunch at work so wakes up at 4am, sells home-grown taugi at home so sleeps really late at night during harvest time, has a start-up small vegetable garden patch (it’s really just a little garden but I’m trying to propagate a bunch of Chinese bok choy these days), maintains 5 different blogs and a host of other varied non-typical interests; stress is always behind me every step of the way.

I always know that I've reached my ultimate stress and tiredness peak when the back of my right arm (I call it the right chicken wing part) becomes heavy, stiffens and becomes annoyingly painful - that's when I KNOW I need to unburden! And that absolutely means I am in urgent need of a Thai Massage!

I've been meaning to get one for the past few weeks but was too busy, however, I finally got one yesterday at Thai Boran Massage in Lahug and boy was it such a great relaxing and unburdening experience! My hubby was quick to agree with me too! ;-)

At only P150 pesos for a full 1-hour Thai Body Massage, it is definitely worth more than what you're paying for!  The place is quite new so not a lot of people frequent it yet so no waiting in line (yes!), there is still the relative peace and quiet due to absence of annoying people talking loudly to each other while getting their massage (don’t you just hate that?) and the place is very spacious and homey.

Here are some noticeable bonus points from my massage yesterday:

They wash your feet first with warm water prior to your massage.

The massage clothes smell good.

They have a locker (albeit without a lock) to keep your valuables safe while you get lost in your massage.

The therapists rarely talk to you unless to give you instructions on what to do next and they do it ever so softly. (Don’t you just hate it when your “supposed” relaxation time is rudely disturbed by therapists trying to upsell their services or just asking too many questions?)

The male therapist’s hand was very smooth and callous-free! (Have you ever had a massage from one full of calluses? It feels just like getting a not-need body scrub..No offense but it just takes out the relaxation part for me..) I also prefer male because I feel they are able to give me the right pressure and they rarely have long nails too! 

He made sure to use alcohol (I believe twice) prior to massaging my face because it does kinda seem unhygienic to proceed to massaging the face after massaging the feet without some form of sanitation, right?

The tea they serve after the massage really comes from a teabag that you see on your cup. It takes away this lingering fear (ok maybe paranoia is the correct term to use) that the tea came from the water used to wash your feet (or others feet, God forbid!) prior to the massage. :-O Yikes! (Sorry.. me and my overly-active imagination, I guess we now know where my son takes his from… hehe)

I had recommended another massage place the last time on my blog but I now like this one way better! Why? Apparently, only a few years after I did the review, their prices rose unapologetically high and that totally disappointed me so they just lost me as a loyal patron – along with the possible good word I would have given them again as well! (It’s just too bad because it was one of the most read posts on my blog too but oh well...)

For those who would like to get more services at a lesser cost, they also have massage combos ranging from 250 - 300 that already come with 2 different services so that is definitely a great value-for-money package.  (I would like to add that P250 pesos is now the new price for a regular 1-hr massage at the previously-reviewed and recommended massage place; a far jump from 150 pesos! Really!) I would’ve gotten the combos too if my budget yesterday afforded it but maybe next time BECAUSE I know there will be a next time! (It was my second visit there and so far they’ve been consistent and I have to applaud that!)

If you’ve also reached your physical limit and need to unburden, or just need time to relax and unwind; Thai Boran Massage is a gem of a place to visit to achieve just that without literally stressing your budget. ;-)

Been there twice now! So go get your first of many!!!  

~ ~ ~ 

Here are some of the pictures I was able to snap, although not of high-quality. 

Here is a pic of their foot washing area:

Some snaps of their decor and massage lobby area: 


This is of the tea cup with the tea bag inside:

Here are some snaps of me after the massage:  (Hopefully looking better than I did prior to my massage because I definitely feel way better!!) 

~ ~ ~ 

Sigh...I just love a good massage and how it makes me feel after! ;-) Definitely a well-deserved and long-awaited one and best of all - truly satisfying! 


  1. When you feel in pain and very tense and stress you can try this massage that makes you relax.
    Thai Massage


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