Half a siomai

One night, a mother and son went to a dimsum restaurant to have dinner. They ordered two steamed rice, a side of quail egg siomai and 2 bottles of water.

They then started eating and since the siomai only had 3 pcs, the mother cut the second piece into two. The other half unintentionally was bigger than the other one and in a moment of selfishness and human weakness, she thought of taking the bigger slice for herself... but her motherly instincts quickly took over and so she offered the bigger slice to her son.
The son, upon seeing what her mother had done, refused to take the bigger slice and instead offered it to his mother saying, "You can have this slice Ma, I'll take the other one."
The mother then asked the son why he wanted to give that siomai slice to the mother.

The son said, " BECAUSE IT IS THE BIGGER SLICE." 😍😭😘

DO THIS: Try to close your hands and then open them.
Do you notice that its relatively easier and requires less effort on you when your hands are open versus when they are closed in a fist?

Often, we live most of our lives always wanting to get the bigger slice, we always want the bigger chunk and we want to get so much more than everyone else, we want more, more, more - it is an endless and vicious cycle. Ironically, we always want to get more yet want to give less.
Life should not be a contest on who gets the bigger slice over everyone else but rather it should be seen as an opportunity to give more.
That's because it is and should be our natural inclination - - to be open and sharing and not closed and tight fisted.
It's amazing how such a simple hand gesture can teach such a profound lesson in our lives - but only if we're observant enough and learn from them.
A blessed and open-handed Tuesday to all and may you have true and inspiring stories to cherish and ones that are truly worth sharing.


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