It's that time again: Why the Sinulog Rocks!

This is one of my articles that got published in SunStar Daily. Reposting it here today as it is but timely! :-)

Top 10 reasons why the Sinulog rocks!
Sinulog1While walking the “busier” streets of Colon while enjoying the festive atmosphere I came up with a list of why I think Sinulog rocks:
You can go to your mom and say, "Ma, check out my tattoo" without getting in trouble.
You won’t get a beating or a reprimand and instead she will either compliment you or show you hers. Of course, I am referring to the henna tattoo or the stick-on ones as it is the default “in” thing this time of year.
We are the “kings of the road”
One gets to roam the streets and not worry about getting hit by a car or jeep. Pedestrians are now the “kings of the road,” and this drives the drivers crazy. Talk about getting a dose of their own medicine, hehe.
It is a great time for reunions
Whether it is a planned one or mostly an accidental one, you are sure to bump into long lost relatives, friends and acquaintances on the street or even while going elbow to elbow with other churchgoers in the Basilica del Santo Niño Church. Because of the many people you get to meet again, it’s like an extension of the holiday season.
Sinulog2You can wear anything and not get smirked at
You can dress weird and look weird and people won’t care. With the throngs of people walking the street, the only way to stand out and for people to recognize you is to look weird. So instead of just blending in, people dress in extremes and they can get away with it, thanks to the Sinulog.
It’s more fun in Cebu
You can brag to your friends in other countries that you are in Cebu and they’d be envious. Normally, it’s the other way around, but the Sinulog celebration is really something to drool over especially for those abroad and had just spent Christmas and New Year away from home.
People are excited and hyped up
When we hear the Sinulog tune over the loud speakers in the downtown area, it makes us want to sing and dance. There is just something about the beat that gets us all excited and festive.
There are free concerts everywhere
There are different kinds of musical events everywhere and most of them are free. You get an all-time high just by roaming the streets and listening to bands playing here and there.
Sinulog3All roads lead to Cebu
Or, I think that should be, all roads leading to Cebu are closed because everyone else is here. People from different countries, from different parts of the country and even those native to Cebu are scampering to get a feel of the festivities and just have to go out into the streets, which adds not just to the human traffic but to the attraction and the merriment as well.
It’s a great time to earn extra income
Whether it’s bottled water, stick-on tattoos, key chains, candles and food, pretty much anything can be sold and bought during the Sinulog, with prices a notch higher, of course. If you’re one of those who still have some left from their holiday bonuses, then you wouldn’t mind shelling out cash for instant entrepreneurs.
The novena masses, the Saturday procession, the Fluvial parade, the mass at the Basilica del Santo Niño Church and the singing of the Bato-Balani song with hands waved left and right are, of course, the highlights of this momentous event. The Sinulog is just not complete without these religious activities, which are the real essence of the Sinulog. The street parade is but the icing to the cake.
In parting, let us not all get caught up on the icing. Let us all enjoy the Sinulog and not forget what the merry making and revelry is all about – the birth of Christianity in our nation.
Happy Fiesta everyone and Pit Senyor!


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