Stop blaming God

We need to stop blaming God for all the bad things happening to us that we brought upon ourselves.

When we get sick because of our unhealthy lifestyle, our poor eating habits and our bad health choices - we shouldn't blame God when we get sick.

When we lose our family because we don't spend time with them, choose our vices over them or make them feel unloved and unappreciated - we shouldn't blame God when we lose our family.

When we lose our job because we don't perform well, don't come to work early or don't add value to our work in the company - we shouldn't blame God when we lose our job.

When we go broke because we don't manage our finances properly, prioritize non-essential spending and don't save and invest - we shouldn't blame God when we go broke.

This is so typical of us, something bad happens and then we say "This is God's will" and then we just let it go because God willed it and there is nothing else we can do about it.

But let me ask this:

If we get liver cirrhosis because we can't stop drinking excessive amounts of alcohol; is that God's will or OUR will?

When our spouse leaves us because we would rather stay until dawn binge drinking with our friends than spend the weekend at home with our family; is that God's will or OUR will? 

When our boss fires us because we don't do your job well and have way too many absences; is that God's will or OUR will?

When we can't pay for your own hospitalization because we would rather buy all that expensive non-essential things but don't spend a single peso on our healthcare; is that God's will or OUR will?

Nothing in our life happens without a reason and every action we take from the very beginning has an impact in the life we live now. Nothing happens abruptly and all of the events in our lives are a sum total of all the past actions we've made, however big or however small.

The path we take from the very onset is what led us to where we are now. Of course we can make a few turns here and there but the initial path we took will always affect the next paths we can now take moving forward.

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” — Søren Kierkegaard

But here is the tricky aspect of our lives, we must live it forward but we can only understand it backwards. 

When we contemplate on the things we are now experiencing, regardless of them being positive or negative experiences, we will realize that it was something we did once before that actually led us to where we are now. It is just the natural system of things, it's just normal cause and effect.

We went with option A so we got the result of option A, we went for option B so we got the result of option B, we chose option C so we got the result of option C and so on. We can't obviously choose option A and then get the result for option B or C, that's impossible and unrealistic.

So does God make the choices for us? 

Does he tell us to waste away all of our precious gifts so that in the end we have nothing left but regrets? 

Should we still blame God for all the bad things happening or should we start taking more responsibility of ourselves and start making better choices for ourselves?

If we know the path we've taken has already led us to down a spiraling path towards self-destruction, then it's time to contemplate and work towards building a better path for ourselves.

But you see, here is where things can take on a different perspective, instead of now asking what OUR will is for ourselves, we now need to ask God what His will for us is.

Time to stop talking and time to start listening. 

He has something to say to us, we just need to learn how and where to tune in. 

His frequency is different from ours, to hear him, we must make sure we're tuning in to His frequency not ours.

02/08/21 nmed


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