
Showing posts from January, 2015

Must Watch Movies: Taken 3 & Big Hero 6

If there are two movies that I would recommend you watch (on DVD) early this 2015, it would be Taken 3 and Big Hero 6. If there was an Action Trilogy so worth all the wait and publicity, it is most definitely the Trilogy of Taken. Starred by Liam Neeson (whose signature voice is so right for this role because this movie includes many famous telephone conversations) ; it is action-packed, really stirs your mind and keeps you always on the edge of your seat – I know I was!  The third in the installment was just as great and satisfying as the first two and my only regret is missing to watch it in a movie house. (But then, if there are affordable DVDs everywhere, who could resist, right?) I have to say though that watching it in a not-so-reliable media is not as good as watching it legally. (If you catch my drift… hehe..) During my DVD marathon over the weekend, this was the second movie I watched and watched (and re-watched; not over-exaggerating here) al...

Experimental Great Turn-out Recipe: Home made Cheese Lumpia

Nothing beats home-made snacks because you know what you're eating, you save money compared to dining out and the thrill of creating something and tasting it after is so rewarding...:-)  So after I prepared vegetable lumpia last night and realized I have leftover lumpia wrapper and some cheese sitting in the refrigerator, I decided to whip this up and imagined they would taste great and indeed they did!  If you have some leftover cheese from the recently concluded Christmas and New Year holidays? Here is a great way to use them before they spoil... ~ ~ ~  Home made Cheese Lumpia Ingredients: Spring Roll Wrapper (Lumpia Wrapper) Cheese  Bread Crumbs 1 Egg  Oil for frying Procedure: P repare the following in separate containers and set aside: raw egg (scrambled), bread crumbs, lumpia wrapper. I f your cheese isn't already sliced to finger food sizes, then you need to slice it; about the size of your pointer ...

Reviews: Himalaya Herbals Clear Complexion Whitening Face Wash & Maybelline Electro Pop Lip Balm

I rarely create cosmetic product reviews (wait, lemme correct that, I don’t do cosmetic reviews) ; reason being I don’t use them!  The closest I ever got to using them on a daily basis was when I worked as a Leasing Specialist for a chain of department stores and even then, I only used it because it was required. Today though, I am making an exception, especially because two of the products I’ve recently discovered are so share-worthy it would be such a shame to withhold the information from the public. (or at least those who bump in this blog anyway… hehe) P.S. This is not a paid review, I wish I had sponsorships because if I did, I’d definitely be living the good life, huh? Product # 1:  Himalaya Herbals Clear Complexion Whitening Face Wash About the Company: Country of Origin: India Himalaya Herbals is a range of natural, effective and safe products that use special herbs carefully selected from nature. Combining the best of Ayurv...

It's that time again: Why the Sinulog Rocks!

Image This is one of my articles that got published in SunStar Daily. Reposting it here today as it is but timely! :-) Top 10 reasons why the Sinulog rocks! While walking the “busier” streets of Colon while enjoying the festive atmosphere I came up with a list of why I think Sinulog rocks: You can go to your mom and say, "Ma, check out my tattoo" without getting in trouble. You won’t get a beating or a reprimand and instead she will either compliment you or show you hers. Of course, I am referring to the henna tattoo or the stick-on ones as it is the default “in” thing this time of year. We are the “kings of the road” One gets to roam the streets and not worry about getting hit by a car or jeep. Pedestrians are now the “kings of the road,” and this drives the drivers crazy. Talk about getting a dose of their own medicine, hehe. It is a great time for reunions Whether it is a planned one or mostly an ac...